The Pathlights Team

Steve Johnson (upper left) - Steve has spent his career working with companies and organizations that were focused on making people’s lives better. He has launched a number of for-profit and non-profit companies including PathLights, LLC and the Acute Loss Center. Through his work at the Acute Loss Center, which is primarily focused on funeral industry professionals, Steve became keenly aware of the broader need for resources and education about loss. That led him to partner with Dan Garrison to launch PathLights. “While we need support and resources when we lose a loved one, the impacts of other types of loss can be easily overlooked. Dan and I are thrilled to have a marvelous team of professionals working with us to develop new resources and training that will share light and hope through the unavoidable human experience of loss.”

Julie Merritt Lee (upper middle) - As a former educator and pastor, Julie Merritt Lee now blends these passions working with PathLights. Julie also recently received her Dream Work Certificate in 2021 as well as her Spiritual Direction Certificate in 2018 at The Haden Institute in Western North Carolina. Her delight is helping people find healing and wholeness through various modalities: writing, dream work, and body movement to name a few. At PathLights, she combines her skillset and passion developing training curriculum and teaching webinars around loss and healing.

Julie is the wife of Michael Lee who is the chaplain manager for Memorial Hermann Greater Heights Hospital and the mother of two spunky children Sophia and Sage. She is most at home in a hammock or running around with her little mystics.

Ashley Johnson (lower middle)– Ashley joined the PathLights research team in 2018 as a writer and editor, excited to explore new ways of thinking about loss. Many loss experiences in her life and a passion for storytelling led her to focus on the healing power of understanding and sharing loss stories. Ashley honed her passion for narrative during her MA in English at Claremont Graduate University. Now, she spends her days wordsmithing and storytelling at PathLights and with other clients.

Dan Garrison (lower right) – Dan has a diverse range of interests from planetary science and exploration to non-profit financial management. These experiences have emerged over nearly 35 years as a NASA contractor and leadership on nonprofit boards as a rewarding, productive, and unique mix. “My goal now is to apply these experiences to PathLights to assist those experiencing acute loss by building human resilience and equipping caregivers to meet their needs.”